Compensation may be available after a spinal cord injury accident

Compensation may be available after a spinal cord injury accident
On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Aug 16, 2017
Spinal cord injuries can be devastating, and in worst-case scenarios, life-threatening. They can limit the control Nevada residents have over their ability to move their bodies, and manage necessary bodily functions, such as respiration and reflex. The law firm of [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″] has represented many victims of spinal cord injury accidents and advocated for their recovery of damages after suffering harm at the hands of others.

When a victim’s spinal cord is injured, the damage may prevent the victim’s brain from sending messages to other parts of their body. A serious spinal cord injury may prevent people from moving their arms and legs, which alone may keep victims from walking, dressing themselves, feeding themselves, and doing the many other personal care tasks that individuals with full mobility are able to do for themselves each and every day.

A spinal cord injury may also impact a person’s emotional wellness. Losing one’s ability to move and care for oneself can be detrimental to the victim’s mental health as one is forced to rely on others to ensure that the most basic needs are met. People injured in this way may suffer stress and anxiety over their lost abilities and may endure pain as they rehabilitate and work to regain the functionality their spinal cord injuries deprived them of.

Spinal cord injuries can be very serious and very expensive to recover from. No victim of a spinal cord injury accident should be victimized a second time by being forced to pay for the costs of his or her recuperation and care. In some cases, victims of spinal cord injuries are able to receive compensation for their losses, and readers who wish to explore this possible means of recovery in the wake of their accidents are invited to seek more information on our website.