Reno workers can become victim of drunk driving accident injuries

Reno workers can become victim of drunk driving accident injuries
On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Jan 15, 2016
As a manual laborer, Reno workers may operate trucks, work construction or some other labor-intensive occupation. With this type of job, most take orders as to what to do and when to do it. That’s why it makes car accident injuries due to a drunk driver so tough to swallow. For those hurt in a car accident with a drunk driver during a work job or work hours, there may be compensation available.

The compensation could potentially be two-fold. Compensation related to workers’ compensation and compensation related to a personal injury tort for injuries sustained in a drunk driving accident. Lost wages and medical costs are serious financial concerns for families who have been affected by a family members car accident injuries.

There are so many reasons that those adversely affected by a drunk driving accidents during work hours may have questions during this difficult time. Questions about how to proceed with claims or litigation is our specialty. At Bradley, Drendel and Jeanney part of our job is to educate you on your legal position. The other part consists of advocating as strongly as possible on our client’s behalf. This double-pronged approach allows those seeking help to feel comfortable and allow for the best possible results.

As much as the process may seem daunting and confounding at this point; we want those overwhelmed to stress no more. All can be well if the proper actions are taken to seek retribution for injuries wrongly sustained. Those responsible for personal injury should always be held accountable. The experts at Bradley, Drendel and Jeanney know just what to do in the toughest legal situations.