If a drunk driver caused a crash, a victim may need legal help
Some Reno, Nevada, residents may think of drunk driving accidents as kind of a “slam dunk” legal case. After all, everyone knows that driving while intoxicated is irresponsible and dangerous, so it should be easy to prove a drunk driver who causes a car accident is negligent and should pay his victims.
Unfortunately, such is not always the case. For instance, even if it is clear that the other driver was drunk and caused the accident, a victim will still have to prove his damages. In other words, the victim will have to gather and document things like medical bills, lost wages and the like. Moreover, she will bear the burden of showing these damages are appropriate.
Finally, the drunk driver may not have adequate insurance or other means to pay compensation, even though he clearly owes it. And, while squeezing every penny from a drunk driver may be an attractive option, it also can be time-consuming and fruitless.
A victim therefore may have to seek out other sources of compensation following a drunk driving accident. For instance, if the victim was on the clock at the time of the accident, workers’ compensation may be available.
A victim may also be able to avail herself of uninsured or underinsured motorists benefits via his own insurance carrier. And, in certain circumstances, such as if the negligent driver was a minor, it may be able to hold other parties responsible for the accident as well.
In short, drunk driving accident cases are far from slam dunks and should instead be thought of us as complicated and important legal proceedings. Fortunately, our law office has considerable experience with drunk driving cases and can help our clients navigate through their cases and get all of the compensation they deserve.