The most common causes of spinal cord injuries

As this blog has discussed on previous occasions, even relatively minor spinal cord injuries have serious and lifelong consequences for their victims. An injury to the spinal cord will generally mean a Reno, Nevada resident will need medical care and therapy, as well as help covering their lost income if they are no longer able to work.

There are many different cause s of spinal cord injuries and paralysis. However, the most common cause is vehicle accidents. Among all spine injuries that occur each year, accidents involving cars, motorcycles or other motor vehicles account for over half of them.

It is also significant that alcohol is frequently a contributing factor to accidents ending in spinal cord injuries, with alcohol playing a part in one out of four such accidents. This number would include those accidents in which a drunk driver injures a person severely.

There are other common causes of injuries to the spine. For instance, particularly among those who are older, falling down is a common cause of spinal cord injuries. Collectively, falls account for about one in six of all new injuries to the spinal cord each year.

Rounding out the common causes of spinal cord injuries are injuries related to sports accounting for about 10 percent of injuries, with intentional violence, like shootings and stabbings, accounting for about 12 percent of injuries.

Whether related to a car accident or not, a Nevada resident who has suffered a spinal cord injury will likely need financial help both for immediate expenses and to cover the years of recovery ahead of them. They may be able to do so via a personal injury lawsuit filed against the responsible parties.