Truck drivers may not use cell phones while driving

Distracted driving is a serious problem for the Reno drivers who engage in the dangerous practice as well as those who must be on the roads at the same time as them. While certain forms of distractions are prohibited for drivers of personal vehicles, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has also issued restrictions on the use of cell phones by truck drivers. Those restrictions prohibit truckers from holding cell phones to make calls, dialing numbers with their hands or having to alter their sitting position in order to reach for cell phones.

When the driver of a large truck takes their eyes off of the road in order to check a text message or to dial a phone number they are taking a huge risk with their safety and the welfare of other motorists. FMCSA estimates that when a truck driver checks their phone the average amount of time that they look away from the road is just under four seconds. At 55 miles per hour that truck driver could cover the length of a football field without ever seeing conditions around them.

Truck drivers may be ticketed if they are caught engaging in prohibited conduct but they also may be sued if they cause an accident due to their distraction. As previously discussed on this personal injury blog, victims of truck accidents must sue under civil law for the collection of their accident-related damages.

No driver should prioritize any task over driving when they are behind the wheel. This extends to truck drivers and individuals who operate other commercial rigs. Distracted driving is a problem all across the nation and puts the lives of innocent people at risk.