Victims of motorcycle accidents may need legal help
A previous post here discussed how, in most cases, when a motorcyclist gets hit by another vehicle, the responsibility lies with the driver of the other vehicle. Unfortunately, there is still a common stigma that motorcyclists in Reno, Nevada, who get hurt in an accident may have to just “deal with it.” Specifically, many people who don’t routinely ride motorcycles, including some police officers and even judges, may have an impression that motorcycle riders have a tendency to be thoughtless or even reckless on the road and, thus, are usually responsible for their own accidents.
While such is clearly not the case, it may be hard for injured motorcyclists to know how to stand up for their rights and make sure that they get to tell their side of the story. This is why many injured motorcyclists in the Reno area have trusted our law office to help them with their personal injury claims after they have suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident.
One of our first tasks is to make sure our clients both understand their legal rights and options and have a realistic outlook on the possible results of their cases. The reason we emphasize this is that it helps our clients work toward getting decisions at the outset of their cases, saving them a lot of time and emotional stress.
After reviewing our clients’ legal options, we work hard to conduct a thorough investigation so as to gather all the facts surrounding the accident. This process may be necessary to establish that another motorist, and not the motorcyclist, was responsible for the accident. After that, we consider it our main task to get our clients the compensation that they will need in order to get the necessary treatment they need and move on with their lives as best as they possibly can.