Truck driver fatigue can have disastrous effects

Truck driver fatigue can have disastrous effects
On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Oct 29, 2015
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, over 30,000 people perish on U.S. roads every year. There is nothing more important than protecting the lives of those who travel on the road every day. Because of the threat of losing more citizens lives, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) passed a law a few years back regulating how many hours truck drivers can work and also regulating their breaks. This change in regulation has hopes aimed at preventing truck driver fatigue.

Truck driver fatigue can be the direct cause of road fatalities. When a truck driver is fatigued, they aren’t thinking right due to the sleepy nature of their consciousness. This can affect reaction time and can cause the driver to make poor choices when behind the wheel. Sadly, 4,000 people per year die in truck accidents with truck driver fatigue as a leading factor in these deaths.

Those who have suffered serious injuries or even a loved one’s untimely death at the hands of a truck driver know how serious this issue is. Truck accidents can make such an impact that it affects the course of life for any who were unlucky enough to be in its path. Medical expenses, quality of life and ability to work are all factors affected when in an accident with a truck that causes severe injuries. If another party is at fault for the terrible accident that has befallen you or a loved one, shouldn’t they be held accountable?

While the U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s goals may be admirable, they are not the directly affected party in a truck accident. Only families can truly understand the devastation these type of accidents can cause. What is so ironic is that truck driver fatigue can be so easily prevented. It can be prevented as simply as a truck driver pulling his or her rig over when fatigue sets in.

Source: , ” Why We Care About Truck Driver Fatigue, ” Anthony Fox, Dec. 8, 2014