Driver pleads not guilty to vehicular homicide in Reno crash
Driver pleads not guilty to vehicular homicide in Reno crash
On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Oct 08, 2015
A devastating crash highly publicized through the Reno media has drawn attention once again. A Reno driver accused of vehicular homicide has pleaded not guilty in the death of two children who were tragically killed in the crash. According to police records, the accused person’s license had been revoked or suspended on several occasions before the terrible accident. The charges of vehicular homicide could aid in proving a civil case against the accused.
For those unfamiliar with the story, the accused man’s car crashed through a Reno family home when it failed to yield at an intersection. The car accident caused the death of a two and 4-year-old children inside the home.
According to local police, the investigation turned up evidence that the accused was involved in a separate crash in January 2013 where he suffered an unknown medical incident and say there is a possibility that he suffered another medical incident in the recent accident.
This has not been confirmed, but it is suggested as a possible cause of the crash. This crash is unique in its details, but it ended like many accidents — tragically. The costs both financially and emotionally are high in this incident and it appears that the man accused of the accident is at a significant level of fault. A full investigation and evidence collected will help determine and prove if this man was negligent at the time of the accident or if he was a driver who may have never been behind the wheel in the first place.
If this is true, the family may seek reparations from more parties than just the accused. It could be a matter of negligence on part of the state allowing the man to legally operate a vehicle, for example.
Source:, ” Police: Driver in Crash That Killed Two Children Pleads Not Guilty to Vehicular Manslaughter ,” Mike Rogers, Oct. 2, 2015