Blog Posts
Nevada Attorney General: beware of staged car accidents
While most drivers are extremely cautious and responsible on the road today, others cause mayhem. In a recent press release, Nevada’s Attorney General warned drivers of the documented increase in staged car accidents. Staged car accidents you ask? These are car accidents that occur
Read MoreNational motorcycle accident and injury statistics
Motorcyclists on the road are at an immediate safety disadvantage. This is due to the obvious fact that motorcycles are much smaller and less protective than regular passenger vehicles on the road today. But how many motorcyclists are actually involved in accidents every year? Of those accidents, what percentage of accident victims are seriously injured…
Read MoreWhy it’s key to establish negligence in a drunk driving accident
Why it’s key to establish negligence in a drunk driving accident On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Dec 24, 2014 If you have been the victim of a car accident caused by a drunk driver, there are a few basic things you should know about your rights. You may have suspicions about the…
Read MoreWhy and how are tractor-trailers regulated in the U.S.?
Why and how are tractor-trailers regulated in the U.S.? On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Dec 17, 2014 Everyone has seen the large tractor trailers hauling goods from coast to coast. Most are aware of how important semi-trailers are to the economy. However, some are not aware of the dangers these tractor-trailers can…
Read MoreTwenty Clark County car accident related deaths in 13 days, why?
Twenty Clark County car accident related deaths in 13 days, why? On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Dec 11, 2014 Statistically, car accidents tend to increase from the norm during holiday times. This is due to a variety of reasons. But what could possibly explain the 20 Clark County traffic-related deaths in a…
Read MorePolice reports and negligence in drunk driving accidents
Police reports and negligence in drunk driving accidents On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Dec 05, 2014 After an accident, an injured person may be asking how it happened. Some car accidents are directly caused by the fact that another driver was impaired behind the wheel. When others have been hurt by a…
Read MoreCompensation may be available after a motorcycle accident
Compensation may be available after a motorcycle accident On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Dec 04, 2015 Motorcycle accidents can be the catastrophic result of a negligent driver. If an upstanding Reno motorcyclist is operating their bike safely with awareness and happens to be caught at the wrong place at the wrong time,…
Read MoreThe costs associated with a permanent spinal cord injury
The costs associated with a permanent spinal cord injury On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Nov 28, 2014 If you have suffered a spinal cord injury , you may be wondering what the long-term financial repercussions could be that are associated with this type of injury. Of course, these numbers will vary greatly…
Read MoreWhy Nevada car accident victims should seek compensation
Why Nevada car accident victims should seek compensation On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Nov 20, 2014 Multiple Nevada residents are involved in car accidents everyday and these people suffer a range of injuries, some of them serious. If you have been injured in a car accident, your misfortune could warrant compensation for…
Read MoreSemi-truck driver cited for speed in Storey County crash
Semi-truck driver cited for speed in Storey County crash On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Nov 14, 2014 truck accident Source:
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