When are motorcyclists most likely to be hit by drivers?

As a motorcyclist, one of your biggest safety challenges is making sure that drivers see you. The most serious motorcycle crashes involve cars and even larger vehicles. In fact. the most common cause of motorcycle accidents is drivers who turn in front motorcyclists at intersections. Often, this happens As a motorcyclist, one of your biggest…

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Emotional trauma is common after a car crash

A car accident can be one of the most traumatic events a person experiences in their life. It’s not unusual to suffer emotional injuries as well as physical ones. Often, these emotional injuries take longer to recognize. If they aren’t dealt with, they can stay with you long after your physical injuries have healed. The…

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Drowsy driving, and what can be done about it

As the National Sleep Foundation has announced its annual Drowsy Driving Prevention Week for Nov.1 to 8, 2020, drivers across Nevada may want to take a second look at the impact that drowsiness can have on their behavior behind the wheel. In its effect, drowsiness is similar to alcohol intoxication as As the National Sleep…

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Easy ways to stay safe while riding

Riding a motorcycle can be an exciting hobby for Nevada residents to take up. However, it is important that those who do understand how to do so safely. New riders are encouraged to take safety courses that will help them learn important riding skills. In some cases, these courses can be taken Riding a motorcycle…

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