Sleep apnea a cause of concern for many truckers
Long-haul truck drivers in Nevada should be aware that 35% of truckers suffer from sleep apnea. The most common form of this disorder is obstructive sleep apnea where the mouth palate and throat muscles collapse and block the upper airway while a person is sleeping. OSA interrupts sleep and Long-haul truck drivers in Nevada should…
Read MoreCVSA plans International Roadcheck for May 5 to 7
From May 5 to 7, 2020, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance will be holding its annual International Roadcheck, so CMV drivers in Nevada should take note. During this time, police officers and inspectors will be out to enforce federal truck safety regulations. Most trucks will be put through the most From May 5 to 7,…
Read MoreAgency to study truck collisions
A collision with a large truck on a Nevada highway can be a frightening prospect. Because these vehicles are so large and heavy, a truck accident can be especially devastating to others on the road around them. Truck accidents can be catastrophic, and they are also on the rise. Between 2009 A collision with a…
Read MoreWays that CMV drivers can avoid fatigue
According to the FMCSA’s Large Truck Crash Causation Study, 13% of commercial motor vehicle drivers were found to be fatigued at the time of their accidents. Fatigue can result from several things, including lack of sleep and extended work hours. Truckers in Nevada should consider the following tips for avoiding fatigue behind the wheel. The…
Read MoreRed-light cameras save lives, also raise concerns for the public
Every year, red-light running crashes take the lives of hundreds of people, the majority of them being pedestrians, bicyclists and occupants of vehicles other than the offender’s. Nevada residents should know that one proposed solution to the trend of red-light running is the installation of a system of red- Every year, red-light running crashes take…
Read MorePedestrian dies in Reno hit and run
Pedestrians are at risk in Reno and throughout Nevada even when they walk in crosswalks and follow all the basic rules for safety. Drivers are becoming increasingly reckless with distractions, speeding and driving under the influence. This can lead to accidents. In some of these collisions, the driver Pedestrians are at risk in Reno and…
Read MoreThree injured in alleged DUI auto accident
The roads in Nevada can be treacherous for many reasons. While recklessness, distraction, speeding and negligence are some of the most common reasons for an auto accident, drunk driving remains one of the biggest concerns. When drivers are under the influence, their reaction time is slowed, their judgment is impaired and they are liable to…
Read MoreSafety advancements could lead to being a distracted driver
Distracted driving is a continuing problem in Nevada and across the nation. While most will equate being distracted behind the wheel to the overwhelming use of cellphones, there are other ways in which a driver can be distracted. A new study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says that in-vehicle systems designed to enhance…
Read MoreReport shows drunk driving accidents still a roadway hazard
Drunk drivers are a danger on the road in Nevada and across the United States. People who get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or drugs will suffer from impaired judgment, slower reflexes and other problems. An accident caused by a drunk driver can cause injuries and death. People who have been…
Read MorePedestrian, 55, in crosswalk dies in Nevada car collision
Pedestrian accidents are a growing concern in Nevada and across the nation. Drivers are increasingly distracted, and this often leads to them hitting people because they are not paying attention. Since pedestrians are vulnerable, fatalities are common in a car collision. For people who have Since pedestrians are vulnerable, fatalities are common in a car…
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