Serious injuries can come from wintertime slip-and-fall accidents
One of the few guarantees in life is that accidents are going to happen. According to the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention, slip-and-fall accidents are one of the leading causes of spinal cord injuries in the United States. These types of accidents usually increase during the winter many slip-and-fall accidents can be avoided…
Read MoreHow to stay safe when a vehicle breaks down at night
Having a vehicle breakdown while commuting or traveling is not only inconvenient, it is incredibly stressful. The experience of being stranded on the side of the road can be panic inducing, especially when it happens at night. Whether the breakdown was due to something complex like engine avoid car accidents amid a car accident…
Read MoreWinter driving tips for holiday travel
The holiday season is a wonderful time of year. However, the holiday season also coincides with the coldest weeks of the year for much of the country. Although winter weather can create beautiful and breathtaking landscapes across the state of Nevada, it can also cause big problems on busy
Read MoreThese skiing tips could help prevent spinal cord injuries
When a person thinks about skiing through powdery and pristine snow-covered slopes, the state of Nevada rarely comes to mind. However, the Sierra-Nevada mountain range runs through much of the state making for some great skiing during the winter months. Skiing is an activity enjoyed by avoid spinal cord injuries pursue a personal injury claim
Read MoreHow to stay safe when driving through road construction zones
In the state of Nevada, it feels like there’s road construction happening somewhere nearly year-round. Even though these construction zones can seem like an annoyance, they are necessary in order to keep roadways updated and safe. Tragically, thousands of car accidents occur every year in car accidents occur every year personal injury or wrongful death…
Read MoreLegal action likely after apparent drunk driving incident
Despite stringent legislation and enhanced law enforcement efforts, driving under the influence of alcohol is a real problem that continues to plague the state of Nevada. Every year, thousands of lives are tragically lost in drunk driving accidents on American roadways. There is never a good reason to lost in drunk driving accidents successfully litigated…
Read MoreCar accidents involving pedestrians are often deadly
Cities across Nevada are thriving these days as more and more people move here to take advantage of the great opportunities the state has to offer. Because city streets are often crowded and congested, many residents choose walking as their main source of transportation. However, car car accidents involving pedestrians accident can pursue damages
Read MoreHow to safely pass a tractor-trailer and reduce truck accidents
Tractor-trailers are one of the best options for shipping merchandise and other goods across large distances. These days, it seems interstates and major highways in Nevada are filled with tractor-trailers at all hours of the day. For motorists in smaller passenger vehicles, it can be very nerve-racking avoid truck accidents negligence in truck accidents
Read MoreMotorcycles can be fun, but motorcycle accidents can be deadly
For many Nevada residents, the beauty of this great state is best enjoyed behind the handlebars of a motorcycle. The wonderful climate and wide-open expanses here make Nevada a popular state for motorcyclists. Although motorcycles are a fun way to get around, they can also be very motorcycle accidents involving automobiles negligence in motorcycle accidents
Read MoreHead-on collisions are often the most deadly types of car accidents
It’s no secret that motor vehicle crashes are on the rise not only in Nevada, but across the country. In an effort to protect motorists, seat belt laws have been established in every state. However, head-on crashes are sometimes so violent that even seat belts don’t help. Of all the different types of car accidents,…
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