Making your case stronger after injured in Reno car accident

Making your case stronger after injured in Reno car accident
On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Jul 29, 2016
With the rate at which Nevada motorists are involved in car accidents these days, it’s a miracle that more people aren’t injured or killed. Many car accidents result in damages that can be fully accounted for by means of proving liability of the other motorist involved. If you were in a Reno car accident that put you in the hospital, you may be wondering how to gather compensation for the wrong’s made by another driver. There are ways to make your personal injury claim and liability argument seeking compensation stronger in order to achieve that result.

The first place to look is the police report. Not all car accidents have a written police report, but if one does exist, it is important to get a copy and to make note of any discrepancies or facts that may support your claim. Nevada state traffic laws can help to satisfy the claim that a driver was in fact breaking the law at the time of the accident.

If a certain statute about speeding, following too closely or failure to yield can prove your case, it should be utilized. Certain types of accidents are easier to prove fault that others, for example, rear-end accidents are almost always the fault of the driver who rear-ended the other.

Most people do not know the first thing about applying Nevada law to real-life instances of personal injury to prove liability, and that is okay. It is more important for the injured to understand that these things can be proven, not so much that they themselves have to do the proving. Each car accident is different and will require specific application of the law and utilization of the evidence in order to achieve a favorable outcome for the injured. Doing so can mean recovery for the injured and a positive outcome after such a terrible event.

Days and weeks after the accident, medical expenses and bills may be piling up. It can be helpful to jump on seeking compensation by proving liability of the other driver at the earliest possible convenience. The sooner one begins the process of proving fault; the faster it can be resolved. This is a bit of positive news for those who can feel helpless after suffering injury in a Reno car accident.

Source:, ” Car Accident Liability: Proving Fault in a Car Crash ,” Accessed July 25, 2016