Reno 3-vehicle accident ends with injuries and a fiery blaze

Reno 3-vehicle accident ends with injuries and a fiery blaze
On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Apr 14, 2016
Multi-vehicle accidents are scary and unpredictable, and can result in many injuries and even deaths. Such a crash happened on Reno’s I-580 and it included three vehicles and multiple drivers and passengers. One driver, who was allegedly recklessly driving his Corvette, is under investigation as being responsible for causing the car accident. Luckily, nobody was killed in the crash or the fiery blaze that immediately followed.

It all started on southbound I-580 when a 911 caller reported a Corvette speeding and driving erratically. Shortly thereafter, a crash was reported when the Corvette struck a pickup truck, which then collided with a Jeep. The Corvette and pickup rolled several times after impact and then caught fire. Several drivers and passengers suffered non-life threatening injuries, though the extent of those injuries were not immediately reported.

Based on the 911 call, the person behind the wheel of the Corvette may have caused the accident. However, a full investigation will determine if that is the case.

Fire is always a risk associated with car accidents, and in this case, the passengers were lucky to have escaped the worst of the flames despite extensive damage to the vehicles involved.

Some car accident victims do not fare as well as the injured in this particular accident. Whatever the situation, those who have been wrongly injured have options to obtain legal recourse. Even relatively minor car accident injuries can involve extensive medical expenses and other damages. An accident victim should not have to be financially responsible for those costs when the accident resulted from someone else’s negligence.

Source:, ” No major injuries in fiery rollover on I-580 SB at Exit 61 ,” March 28, 2016