Report shows drunk driving accidents still a roadway hazard


Drunk drivers are a danger on the road in Nevada and across the United States. People who get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or drugs will suffer from impaired judgment, slower reflexes and other problems. An accident caused by a drunk driver can cause injuries and death. People who have been unfortunate enough to be involved in such a collision might need legal help to recover sufficient compensation for all they have lost.

In a report from the Governors Highway Safety Association, there are suggestions to prevent impaired driving before it happens. The goal is to assist state highway law enforcement with prevention. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there has been marked improvement in reducing alcohol-related road deaths. In 2018, 29% of these fatalities were due to alcohol. That is the fewest since 1982. However, it is still a prominent concern.

There is one death due to drunk driving for every 50 minutes. That is 29 per day. The idea of spotlighting drivers who are under the influence is to stop drivers from repeating the behavior and to lower the number of deaths on the road because of impaired driving. There are hallmarks for drivers who are categorized as lacking the ability to stop themselves from driving under the influence. They drive with a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.15 or more; used both alcohol and drugs before getting behind the wheel; and have been repeat offenders with more than one arrest for DUI.

These drivers constitute approximately one-third of drunk driving fatalities. Those who register a high BAC are involved in 60% of the alcohol-linked deaths. For 2018, two-thirds of drivers who had a fatal accident registered 0.15 BAC. It should be noted that people who are impaired due to drugs in addition to alcohol is also on the rise. Any auto accident can cause extensive problems to those involved. If it was because of a drunk driver, this can be a critical factor in a legal case to recover compensation for medical expenses, the inability to work, pain and suffering and more. After a crash, calling a law firm that has helped many clients with legal filings after drunk driving accidents may be essential to a successful claim