Report: Summer is the worst time for distracted driving

Summer in the mountains around Reno are beautiful, and their beauty draws people from around Nevada and the rest of the country to them.

While this generally is a good thing for Reno economy, if the results of a recent study are correct, drivers in this area need to be particularly aware of the possibility that distracted drivers are on the road in increased numbers, putting the travelers around them on the road at great risk for serious car accidents.

After reviewing the collected data, those conducting the study concluded that, during June, July, and August, instances of distracted driving, which includes things like texting or even talking on a cell phone, increase by 10 percent relative to the rest of the year.

During the summer, 40 percent of drivers on the road are operating their vehicles distracted for at least 15 minutes out of every hour that they drive. This is a scary thought since it only takes a second or two of distracted driving to cause a serious car crash.

Experts who reviewed these results speculate that one reason distracted driving spikes in the summer is that drivers who normally would be in high school or college attending classes have a lot more time to drive around on the roads. Oftentimes, these less experienced drivers do not fully appreciate the dangers of texting and driving.

What might be interesting in particular to a resort town like Reno is that these experts also think the tourism season causes an increase in distracted driving. For a number of reasons, people are more prone to turn to their devices when they are on unfamiliar routes or heading to an unfamiliar destination.