Truck accidents wreak havoc on passenger vehicles and occupants
Truck accidents wreak havoc on passenger vehicles and occupants
On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • May 04, 2016
Trucks like eighteen wheelers, commercial trucks and moving trucks are all necessary evils. Necessary in that they move goods and people around in a timely and reliable way. Evil in that any mishap a truck makes or sustains can have severe ramifications on the passenger vehicles in the immediate vicinity. While these errors resulting in truck accidents are not usually intentional, they can negatively impact the health of others when injuries are suffered in a truck accident.
This is mostly due to the impact that a huge truck has when it comes into contact with a passenger vehicle. Depending on the carrying load, tons of weight can come crashing into the side, back or front of a passenger vehicle. Serious injuries can obviously result from the crash. These injuries could be compensable in the truck driver, company or other related party is found at fault for the truck accident.
These claims can be more difficult to prove in comparison to regular passenger vehicle accidents. This is due to trucking regulations imposed on drivers, companies and manufactures that regular passenger drivers do not have to answer to. Understanding how behavior could have violated these regulations is definitely part of the process who trying to prove fault in a trucking accident. The legal staff at Bradley, Drendel & Jeannie have experience with this type of research and prosecution.
If you or a loved one has suffered injuries sustained in a truck accident , consider what this could mean. Short-term a person may be injured, but long-term the person could suffer from lost wages or medical bills. If someone is responsible for this type of hardship, shouldn’t they be held accountable? The financial reparations could be the difference between financial ruin and getting back on your feet after an injury.