What constitutes reckless driving in Nevada?
What constitutes reckless driving in Nevada?
On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Aug 28, 2014
After a car accident associated with serious injuries, many victims have questions about their rights. If the other driver involved in the accident was at fault, the affected party could be eligible for compensation for their injuries. It is important to understand the facts of the accident in order to accuse someone of fault. Car accidents are typically governed by the rules of negligence, however in cases of reckless driving, if the accused can prove evidence of reckless or aggressive driving, negligence need not be proved.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Association aims to reduce the number of car accidents. In 2012, they recorded 5,615,000 car accidents reported to the police. That is an astonishing number and many people die or are seriously injured in car accidents every year due to reckless drivers. Legally, an affected party may have a case against a person who is accused of reckless driving.
Reckless driving is defined as a driver who has intentional or reckless conduct. This means that their actions prove that they were not being negligent while driving — in fact, the driver was acting unlawful while driving. Unlawful driving includes speeding above posted speed limits, driving too fast for road conditions, illegal or excessive lane changing and improper passing — such as using the shoulder or without using a turn signal. Driving in this manner is against the law and considered reckless since it endangers the lives of the driver and others on the road.
If awarded damages, the victim could be compensated for medical expenses, loss of wages or pain and suffering due to the accident. Reckless driving laws are imposed in order to keep members of the community safe while driving. It is important to know the details of a crash investigation and how those facts play into state law governing reckless driving. The NHTSA hopes to minimize the number and severity of car accidents around the United States and to make the roads a safer place for all.
Source: findlaw.com, ” Car Accident Basics ,” Accessed August 25, 2014
Source: findlaw.com, ” Car Accident Basics ,” Accessed August 25, 2014