Who are distracted drivers texting with?

Some people in Nevada and across the nation may say that they are willing to text and drive in order to be available to their bosses at work. However, a recent report from TrueMotion suggests that the biggest temptation for owners of cellphones and other technology is not related to their careers.

This same study , which also concluded that texting and driving and other distracted behaviors are more common in the summer, concluded that most of the time, people who choose to communicate and drive are communicated with a family member or a close friend.

Around 45 percent of those asked said that they communicate with their spouses or significant others. Over 20 percent of those asked said that they had sent or received texts from their children while they were driving, and about one-third of those asked had demonstrated a willingness to text and drive with their friends.

While these numbers might come as a surprise to someone who had in their minds the image of a distracted driver who is either really young or who is a busy professional, the reasons why people are willing to text and drive shed some additional light on this topic.

Overwhelming, people who were willing to engage in distracted driving did so because they thought that if they did not do so, then they would miss out on an emergency situation. In other words, over 60 percent of those surveyed had the attitude that every text or phone call was potentially urgent and thus demanded a response. By contrast, only about one in four motorists said that they engaged in distracted driving out of a fear of missing out.

Whatever the reason, distracted driving is unacceptable behavior and also a good way to cause car accidents in the Reno area. A person who is the victim of a car accident involving a distracted driver may have legal options available to him or her, including the option to file a lawsuit in order to seek compensation for his or her injuries.