A spinal cord injury can affect more than a victim’s body

When a Reno resident suffers an injury to their spinal cord they can experience a range of traumatic and life-changing symptoms. They may find that their mobility is impacted if their injury causes paralysis or tetraplegia. They may discover that their coordination is diminished due to harm suffered to their neurological system. These are only a few of the many ways that a spinal cord injury can impact the functionality of their body.

While many of the complications that individuals suffer after spinal cord injuries are physical, victims may also suffer psychological, social and emotional harm from their injuries. For example, the physical symptoms of their injuries may decrease their abilities to engage in the activities of their pre-injury lives which, in turn, may manifest in reductions of their quality of life.

Diminished physical functionality can also impact a person’s ability to retain a job. The trauma suffered by a spinal cord injury victim may prevent them from returning to the work that they did before they suffered their harm and may keep them out of other possible lines of work. The inability to earn an income can impact the victim’s psychological health as well as financial capacity to thrive.

There is rarely an easy path out of a spinal cord injury , but medical professionals suggest that early treatment and care after such an injury can be imperative to reducing the physical and related symptoms that can indefinitely plague the life of a victim. Because of this it can be important for victims of spinal cord injuries to seek compensation for their losses so that they may receive the best possible treatment and care for their devastating afflictions.