Blog Posts
Seeking assistance after a car accident
After many years of combined personal injury law experience, we know firsthand how devastating injuries from a car accident can be. It can change every aspect of your personal, work and family life and can prohibit you from doing the things you once loved to do. There could have been many reasons for the car…
Read MoreDo drunk driving fatalities happen often in Nevada?
We have all heard the horror stories surrounding what happens when a person decides to get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol. Sometimes people make it home okay without an accident or injuries. Other times that person, and others on the road, aren’t so lucky. Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Read MoreDifferent types of car accidents can foreshadow liability
No two car accidents are exactly the same. This is because there are so many factors that define the car accident. Some of these factors can help to determine who may be liable, or at fault, for the accident. Often both drivers are partially responsible for a car accident, to some degree. However, there are…
Read MoreWarmer weather in Nevada, watch for motorcyclists
Now that spring is officially here, it brings with it cause for increased caution on Reno roads. This is due to the increased number of motorcyclists out and about once the weather makes a change for the better. Most people love to enjoy the warmer weather and this does not exclude motorcyclists. Passenger vehicles, semi-trucks…
Read MoreConsult with an attorney after motorcycle accident
Consult with an attorney after motorcycle accident On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Apr 29, 2015 People in the Reno area who have been in a motorcycle wreck know that there are many difficult consequences of these accidents. First, your physical condition may be sub-par due to injuries you suffered during the accident.…
Read MoreWhat is Nevada Highway Patrol doing about aggressive drivers?
What is Nevada Highway Patrol doing about aggressive drivers? On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Apr 22, 2015 truck accidents, Source:
Read MoreThe real costs associated with car accidents
The real costs associated with car accidents On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Apr 17, 2015 Every year, thousands of Americans suffer the medical disturbances associated with motor-vehicle accidents. Car accidents can happen so quickly and leave passengers with a wide-range of medical issues. But, what are the financial costs associated with such…
Read MoreWhat are legal duties of a motor vehicle driver to a pedestrian?
What are legal duties of a motor vehicle driver to a pedestrian? On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Apr 10, 2015 Consider the disadvantages a pedestrian has in comparison to a motor vehicle. Cars are faster, stronger and weigh more than humans. In fact, most are aware that a moving vehicle could easily…
Read MoreGrandmother, child killed by drunk driver while waiting for bus
Grandmother, child killed by drunk driver while waiting for bus On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Apr 01, 2015 drunk driving accident Source:
Read MoreComplex spinal cord injury cases require special attention
Complex spinal cord injury cases require special attention On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Mar 25, 2015 The spinal cord is one of the most amazing, intricate and unknown areas of the human body. It serves as the central nervous system “hub” and it is responsible for housing most of the sensations associated…
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