Blog Posts

Finding negligence after a truck accident

It has been days or weeks since the devastating truck accident that left you or loved ones with severe injuries. Now that your health is somewhat stabilized, you are wondering what comes next? Although you may suspect that the truck driver or truck company is completely, or at least partially, responsible for the accident, you…

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Navigating the difficult times after a car accident

For many people, driving is a form of relaxation. The open road can provide one with a sense of freedom and escape from some of the stressors in their life. However, that same enjoyable activity can turn tragic in the event of a sever car accident. Worse, the cause of the accident may be completely…

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An aggressive driver in Reno can be held accountable

It happens every day. You’re driving down the interstate when all of a sudden another driver is following too closely behind you, honking the horn and making rude gestures. This sort of behavior is according to highway safety experts a form aggressive driving, which is a serious problem on Nevada Source:

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Understanding the basics of spinal cord injuries

Spinal cord injuries can have many causes, such as a sports injury or a car crash. Unfortunately, such accidents can be caused by another person’s negligence. It is important for victims of spinal cord injuries in Nevada to understand about their injury, particularly if they are seeking compensation from the person responsible for their injury.…

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what is jackknifing and who is responsible?

The basic laws of physics deem that tractor trucks and semi-trailers, just to name a few, are more likely to cause bigger and more serious accidents than regular passenger vehicles. This does not mean that these types of vehicles get into accidents more often. Instead it means that when these types of vehicles are involved…

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Head-on collision leads to injuries in Las Vegas

Most car accident s fall into one of only a few different categories. For example, rear-end accidents are very common. However, other types of car accidents do happen. For this reason, it is important to be aware of all types of car accident situations that can occur. Emergency vehicles were called to the scene of…

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BAC and Nevada hit-and-run car accidents

The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) goals are twofold when it comes to protecting and serving the nation. Firstly, they seek to prevent accidents, injuries and fatalities related to car accidents. Secondly, they intend to investigate the accidents that occur to better understand what caused them. This, in hopes, will address their first…

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Why to seek compensation after a loved one suffers wrongful death

After the sudden death of a loved one, you can be living in a state of shock and instability. Even though this is a stressful time, it is crucial to explore your legal options during this period. This is because if a loved one’s death was due to the negligence of another, there is limited…

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Shocking drunk driving statistics compiled by MADD

Drunk driving has been a popular topic in recent years. Generally, there has been greater attention paid to drunk drivers’ across all levels of government. This has led to an increase in studies conducted in search of answers. These studies seek answers about why drunk driving occurs and who it affects after On Behalf of…

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What are the risk factors for tractor-trailer rollovers?

Drivers and passengers in Nevada and elsewhere have an interest in reducing truck accidents. That is even truer in recent years because of an increase in both tractor-trailer traffic and truck accidents. One topic examined by these studies looking into this trend is rollovers. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there are several…

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