Clark County car accidents and injuries, explained
The state of Nevada has different public and government-based groups that make it their responsibility to investigate, tally and analyze car accidents resulting in damages, injuries or death throughout the state. Much of the data compiled in Nevada comes out of Clark County which is the home of Las Vegas and Reno. Of the 51,664 crashes in Nevada in 2010, nearly 79 percent occurred in Clark County. This shows how careful Reno drivers need to be as the odds are clearly not in their favor.
There have been a decrease in the number of car accidents per 100 million cars recorded in Nevada in comparison to 2009. However, the number of fatalities are up compared to 2009. 257 people lost their lives on Nevada roads in 2010. There are several reasons for these accidents but most fall under three categories. Failure to stay in lane, excessive speed and failure to yield are the top three reasons for Reno crashes causing fatalities.
Some of the contributing factors that caused the driver of a vehicle to leave their lane, speed or fail to yield are as follows. Many drivers were affected by drugs or alcohol. Some were so fatigued they fell asleep at the wheel. And, other drivers were simply distracted at the time of the accident.
All of these reasons for fatal car accidents are examples of negligent behavior behind the wheel. While the driver may not have meant to cause harm, the outcome was exactly the opposite when they struck another vehicle and claimed an innocent person’s life. The loss that these and people and families have sustained is unimaginable. It goes far beyond the damages to the vehicle or property. We’re talking about loss of life. By taking legal action people can hold negligent drivers responsible for these deaths.
Source:, “Nevada Traffic Accidents 2010,” Accessed June 15, 2015