How does Blood Alcohol Concentration affect driving ability?
How does Blood Alcohol Concentration affect driving ability?
On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Nov 07, 2014
You cannot control the actions and decisions of those around you. However, you can control how you recognize and respond to these decisions. The best way to deal with a car accident with a drunk driver is to prevent it from happening in the first place. One may ask how to avoid such a thing? The Center for Disease control explains how Blood Alcohol Concentration can possibly cause a drunk driving accident that could affect you or a loved one’s life forever.
Although you may make the correct choice not to drink and drive, others unfortunately may not. If the person’s Blood Alcohol Concentration or BAC is above Nevada’s legal limit of .08, they could cause a car accident.
At the legal BAC of .08, the CDC has made note of several effects alcohol has on the consumer. There is loss of concentration, reduced information processing and short term memory loss to name a few. This can show up in a person’s driving such as loss of speed control, loss of signal detection and impaired perception. At the .10 level, it is proven that a driver has a reduced ability to maintain lane position and brake appropriately. BAC level of .10 is above the legal limit and even at .02 difference is shown to cause driver inability behind the wheel.
If you have been injured in an accident with a drunk driver it is important to know that this accident is not your fault. If the other driver was impaired at the time of the accident they are most likely liable for the accident. This may include liability for injuries or damages the accident has caused you.
Source:, ” Affects of Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)” Accessed November 6, 2014