Which common causes can contribute to Reno truck accident injury?

Which common causes can contribute to Reno truck accident injury?
On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Nov 02, 2016
We have all seen the news clips of the chaos and catastrophe associated with truck accidents on Reno roads. Usually when a semi-truck or other commercial truck is involved in a car accident, the outcome is a series of unfortunate events. Sometimes, it results in multi-vehicle accidents with the victims sustaining multiple injuries or even, fatalities. There are a few causes related to a negligent or an inattentive truck driver that could be behind such truck accident injury.

Most truck drivers are upstanding citizens and take their job very seriously. Safety should be, and is, at the heart of all decisions that most truck drivers make. However, stresses of the job or careless decisions can lead to a break down in the number one priority. This means the safety of everyone on the road can be at risk.

A truck accident can result from inattentive or reckless driving. The motivations behind these actions could be a push from upper management, urging the truck driver to stay on an impossible schedule that encourages the driver to skip breaks and driver for illicit periods of time. All truck drivers are obligated under federal regulation to take mandated breaks and rest periods. Those that do not take those much-needed breaks put everyone at risk. It could even cause a serious injury in a truck accident to a loved one.

It can be difficult to tell at first glance whether a driver was fatigued at the time of a truck accident. Federal regulations ensure that truck drivers keep logs of their driving behaviors, which include taking the mandated breaks. An investigation into this paper trail could lead to big conclusions. These conclusions could mean putting responsibility on the appropriate party after a truck accident.

Source: injury.findlaw.com, “Common Causes of Truck Accidents,” Accessed Oct. 30, 2016