Blog Posts
Two teens among increasing number of Nevada road fatalities
Two teens among increasing number of Nevada road fatalities On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Aug 05, 2015 When it comes to how Reno residents should approach getting behind the wheel, safety should be the top concern. This is because fatalities have been an increasing problem on Nevada roads recently. The reasons behind…
Read MoreReno car accidents, severe injuries and compensation explained
Reno car accidents, severe injuries and compensation explained On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Jul 31, 2015 Reno residents hear about terrible car accidents happening in our neighborhoods and on our busy streets all the time. After a serious car accident, a victim may be thinking how lucky they are to have survived.…
Read MoreWhat differs between complete and incomplete spinal cord injury?
What differs between complete and incomplete spinal cord injury? On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Jul 23, 2015 The spinal cord is considered to be the “command center” of the human body. It handles functions such as movement and sensation. For many important tasks, the spinal cord does the brain’s bidding; therefore if…
Read MoreAnswers to common questions after Reno motorcycle accidents
Answers to common questions after Reno motorcycle accidents On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Jul 16, 2015 Motorcycle accident victims often have serious injuries that are not easily explainable. These victims tend to suffer from head injuries and other serious injuries, like spinal cord injuries. Reno residents suffering from these injuries may not…
Read MoreNevada Highway Patrol increases patrols over holiday weekend
Nevada Highway Patrol increases patrols over holiday weekend On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Jul 09, 2015 Fireworks, barbecues and getting together with friends and family are a few things most Americans think of around the Fourth of July. But people may not know it is also a time that is attributed to…
Read MoreReno drunk driving accident victims can recover compensation
Reno drunk driving accident victims can recover compensation On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Jul 02, 2015 As far as car accidents go, accidents involving a drunk driver are not uncommon and can mean fatal consequences for anyone involved in the cross-fire. Imagine that you or a family member are driving safely along…
Read MoreWhat do you do immediately after a Nevada car accident?
What do you do immediately after a Nevada car accident? On Behalf of Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney • Jun 24, 2015 Immediately after a sudden and jarring car accident it is easy to become overwhelmed, scared or unsure of what to do next. How could a person possibly expect to be struck out of nowhere?…
Read MoreClark County car accidents and injuries, explained
The state of Nevada has different public and government-based groups that make it their responsibility to investigate, tally and analyze car accidents resulting in damages, injuries or death throughout the state. Much of the data compiled in Nevada comes out of Clark County which is the home of Las Vegas and Reno. Of the 51,664…
Read MoreDriver passes semi, collides head-on with Reno driver
Understanding the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of deadly car accidents can help give everyone more information about these accidents occur. Most importantly, it can help prevent car accidents that result in death and serious injuries from ever occurring in the first place. For those Reno residents unlucky enough to be involved in such car accidents, serious…
Read MoreWhat are the effects and costs of spinal cord injury?
When there is an accident in Reno, there is the chance that there will be serious injuries and fatalities. Short of death, one of the worst injuries that a person can suffer is a spinal cord injury. Not only does this type of injury leave a person in need of rehabilitation with the potential for…
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